Saturday, December 28, 2013

God's Triumph

Triumph...God's triumph is an overcoming of the dark with light, the lie with truth, the regret and remorse with reward.  The greatest reward is to see Him more clearly...see Him as Love...this is to overcome what man has done to the image of God. 

We have been taught God loves us BUT...  Our salvation is always in jeopardy.  Did you ever sing Jesus loves you as a child and then be told that Jesus does not like bad boys and girls.  How does a child wrap their head around that?  What is a bad boy or girl anyway?  It is all a matter of opinion....mostly...what someone else did not want you to do because it did not meet their own needs.

It all becomes a man-centered, works oriented journey.  We cannot see the love for all the fear-based living.  The tragedy is what is done to the image of God.  It is a false god that we have created.  The triumph is that God can somehow get through.  Somehow His love notes, nudges toward the Divine, a word spoken in due season, just the right reflection of love by someone else...many, many ways He finds to touch us and bring us to the truth about Him.  Triumph is what God does.

When all the stuff we have been taught breaks down because it does not stand up to the standard, God is love, and we start seeing glimpses of the Divine, and we see that what we have known does not align with who He is...that very place of questioning begins the God's  triumph. 

Jesus often said, "You have heard it said, but I tell you..."  It is time to put away what man has said about Jesus, and hear the "but I tell you."  Of some, He said that they had eyes and do not see and ears and do not hear.  Of others (the disciples) He said that they saw and heard and understood. 

"But I tell you..." is the triumph of truth over all that mars the image of God in His children.  Give us anointed eyes, ears, and hearts.

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