Saturday, December 7, 2013

Resurrection Witness

"Afterward He appeared unto the eleven as they sat at meat, and upbraided them with their unbelief and hardness of heart, because they believed not them which had seen Him after He was risen." (Mark 16:14)

We are still talking about unbelief and the different ways that it can manifest in us and in others.  This text has a great deal to say to us regarding what others think of our experience of seeing and knowing Jesus. 

It is so easy to be one of those who makes light of other people's experience because it is different than ours.  And, it is also hard to be on the other end of this unbelief...others questioning or making fun of our experience.  Notice that unbelief is partnered with hardness of heart.  That is the natural progression of unbelief.  We do not want to go there, or if we are there, we want to turn away (repent) and be restored to a childlike faith that sees the resurrected Jesus even if it is in the experience of someone else. 

Not everyone got to see the resurrection.  That is why it is important to have the testimony of the witnesses.  We need to value that testimony for a couple of reasons.  One, for the message to us personally that it is bringing, and, two, it is a matter of celebrating someone else's experience of seeing the resurrection.

We may not understand the experiences of others.  The head does not understand much that is spiritual.  The opportunity in hearing someone else's experience is that it may lead to the softening of our hardened hearts.  Sometimes, we do not even know that our heart has become hard until is runs into a resurrection story and it is discomforted and negative.

I think of the disciples who were upset that someone else was casting out devils in Christ name.  They wanted to take that experience away from them.  Jesus said that he that is with us is not against us.  Why do we so often want to consolidate the power of God and keep it in our hands?  His truth and power is available to all.  It comes through Him.  Not us.  Let us be open to the resurrection even if it is experienced vicariously.

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