Saturday, December 7, 2013

United in a Common Goal

Our differences become our strengths when we are united in a common goal like Pentecost, Overton Lea.

Before Pentecost, the disciples had their own ideas of the kingdom that Christ was establishing.  They thought it was of the world.  They were envious and jealous...jockeying for the highest positions.  They were together, but they were not united in a common goal. 

We often have to have our dreams and ambitions laying at the foot of a cross of crucifixion.  We are forced to behold the truth about ourselves and our goals...that they are so self-centered that there is no kingdom on earth that is ever enough for them.   

The disciples were chosen by Jesus.  Recently, I learned that in Bible times when a teacher called students, he would say follow me.  This meant that they were being called to take his "yoke" or set of teachings.  So, when Jesus called the disciples and said "follow me, and I will make you fishers of men," he was inviting them into a very respected position of trainee.  You see, not everyone that was called to be a student, was chosen to fulfill the role of rabbi when training was over.   

Inherent in the process is competition.  Jesus needed for the disciples to get over the competition.  His analogy of being a body with each member doing its part is very important.  We cannot do everything by ourselves.  We have been gifted with certain talents and skills, and together we can be a whole.  This process brings us lots of life lessons in letting go of having to have our way all the time. 

Matthew 6:33 -- "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things will be added unto it."  There is no lack in God's plan.  We need to adjust our vision to that of kingdom living.  God takes all our different gifts, talents, skills and creates something amazing in us...unity of purpose.  Then Pentecost comes.  It doesn't mean that they have suddenly lost their does mean their identity is fulfilled and wrapped up in Him.   

They still had their differences...see Peter and Paul having their disputes.  See the early church having relationship difficulties.  Sameness is not unity.  That is a man centered works orientation.  Unity is a thing that is accomplished in us by God when we wait together for Pentecost.  Our waiting may or may not be in an upper room.  It may be a waiting on God to see where He leads us next.  It may be a waiting on God to hear what He will share..."Shall I hide from Abraham that thing I am going to do?"  He wants our involvement.  He wants our communion.   

I see all around me the beginning of a revolution in spiritual matters.  People are beginning to think on spiritual things in a different way.  They are "coming out of the father's house" in obedience...not knowing where they are going.   

There is a hungering and thirsting after righteousness that is refreshing.  I want to be a part of it.  I think Jesus is calling us again to follow Him.  He is turning over the tables in the temple as He cleans the Father's house.  He is bringing new life and vitality to His word.  People are seeing the truth of the Father.  He is breaking down the man-made image of God created in our own images, and He is establishing again the kingdom that is based on the truth: If you have seen me, you have seen the Father.   

Why does it matter?  Our identity is wrapped up in this truth. 

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