Monday, December 2, 2013

Get Out of Yourself and Into Others

Be anxious for nothing...

Most of us are a little anxious (or a lot) about being worthwhile. We want to do something that helps. We want to contribute something of value or worth to our situations and to those in our sphere of influence.  

The problem with being anxious about this is that it is the energy of want or poverty. We find ourselves in a situation that seems to have no way out. We often measure ourselves and what we can do, give, or be by others. We think that we do not have much to least not as much as others.

It is all a lie. To shake off the lie, we must get into the world of people. We cannot hide our candle under the proverbial bushel. Someone needs what we have to offer. Chances are, however, that they are just like us...waiting for someone to make something happen for them.

God has a thousand ways to meet our needs. Sometimes the best thing we can do is volunteer at a ministry. Many hands make light work. What do you have to show for your places of inactivity? Often we say that by the time we meet our responsibilities, there is not any energy left for volunteer work. We keep hiding behind our responsibilities. Chances are, we would feel energized if we gave back something to someone, and in this day of technology, we have some "out of the box" ways we can help others.

I know of one person who put one of those holders for real estate info that is in the yard of a house for sale in her yard and put a sign on it for prayer requests. In a year's time, there were some important needs met. What a witness!

Nursing homes are full of people who do not have anyone visiting them. Adopting some of these folks, making cards and treats to take to them is such a message of love. Some of them would love to have the Bible read to them and have someone to say a special prayer for them. Some are lonely for conversation. Some just need to hold a hand.

Often, it is the person with the biggest heart that is hiding their candle under the bushel because they do not think that they can make a difference. Often, we want to be wanted...someone to ask us to join them in doing something. We need to move out of ourselves and step into the world of hurting people even if no one has called. Most of the time, we have not been called because we are so busy hiding our light that no one knows we are available.

If you are trying to find your way out of your own loneliness and lack of fulfillment, let me suggest that you get involved in the world of people. Ask God to direct your path, and be proactive by checking to see where help is needed. "By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another." John 13:35

1 comment:

  1. I was scrolling thru your blog and for some reason I decided to stop & read this's an answered prayer. I recently inquired about volunteering for a local hospice (visiting elderly patients) but I wasn't sure if I should do it or not due to the fact I have no idea what I'm doing. I questioned my motive....anyway, I was just praying about it yesterday and feel this is confirmation to join their volunteer team. My issue is that I don't feel I love people well....just something I struggle with.
