Sunday, December 22, 2013

The Amazing "Yes"

I have just spent a week at my daughter's house with two of my grandsons.  It was such fun.  I was having tea one morning with the oldest, ten, and he said he could not imagine things being better than they were right now.  I loved it.  What a beautiful spiritual lesson this sweet young man shared with me.

We so often see what is NOT rather than relishing what is.  I heard someone say that no matter what is going on, he says: It doesn't get  better than this!  It always does.  I like that, too. 

Here is a quotation from a book I am currently reading.  It says something very similar, however, it is a little deeper. 

"The great teachers are saying that you cannot start seeing or understanding anything if you start with "No."  You have to start with a "Yes" of basic acceptance, which means not too quickly labeling, analyzing, or categorizing things in or out, good or bad.  You have to leave the field open.  The ego seems to strengthen itself by constriction, by being against, or by re-action, and it feels loss or fear when it opens up.  Spiritual teachers want you to live by positive action, open field, and conscious understanding, and not be resistance, knee-jerk reaction, or defensiveness."  The Naked Now, Rohr, page 50.

It is amazing that a child has this ability to see the "Yes!" in so much of life?  In people?  In situations?  And, if something seems to be a "No," they start looking for how it can be "Yes!"  No wonder the Lord said: For of such is the kingdom of Heaven.

Tea time with these two grandsons was such a blessing this week, and I learned again to be still and watch, be quiet and listen, and try to start everything with the yes of acceptance...even if we do not quite get it at the moment.  I believe this practice of faith will do much for our today and tomorrow.  Like Mary, hearing from an angel that she would have a child when she wasn't married, she went for the "Yes" and that which was born in her and of her was holy.

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