Sunday, January 5, 2014

We Wrestle Not Against Flesh and Blood

Relationship issues are our instructors.  They are power struggles coming from the spirits of envy or jealousy which have found entrance into our hearts because of a wound around significance, security/safety, or support which was triggered by shame (loss of self-esteem, self-love).   

This can manifest in so many ways.  People can have same level of wounding, and its manifestation in behavior will be different.  Some turn anger inward and become passive aggressive and some turn anger outward and become aggressively controlling.  

Each way of dealing with the hurt is "a house divided against itself."   Passive aggressive controls much by doing very little.  Outwardly aggressive people tend to be "it's my way or the high way."  Having their way becomes a matter of right or wrong, black or white, righteous or unrighteous.  Opinions become causes and creates confusion over the real issues...the lie that is driving the rebellion. 

If we look at relationship issues as a visual aid of internal spiritual issues and where we need redemption, we will stop pointing the finger.  Do we want to be right or do we want to be righteous.

There is a story of Mother Teresa and the sisters of Calcutta that Mother Teresa never tried to convert a Muslim or a Hindu to Catholicism.  She told the sisters that their job was not to talk about Jesus or even promote Jesus, but to be Jesus.  This is the person who wants to be righteous more than right.  It is a good lesson for all of us.  Remember the saying: I would rather see a sermon any day than hear one.
The spirit of envy wants to take what someone else has.  It is more malicious than jealousy.  It can draw you to the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil because you fear you do not have something someone else has (the throne of God, to be as gods, to be as good, to be better than, or even an alternative kingdom--doing it my way).

We wrestle not against flesh and blood.  This is important to remember.  These issues are about principalities and powers.  The kingdom at stake is our heart. 

Ephesians 1:17-19:  I pray that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious Father, would give you a spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him.   I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened so you may know what is the hope of His calling, what are the glorious riches of His inheritance among the saints and what is the immeasurable greatness of the power to us who believe according to the working of His vast strength.

Lord Jesus, come into the kingdom of our hearts and create redemption...step by step setting us free every time we have a relationship issue.  Help us to hear your voice telling us what the real heart issue is.  Thank you!

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Seek Ye First

Happy New Year!

Last year, our goal and that of our children has been Matthew 6:33: "But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and His righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you."

Partner it with verse 34: "Take therefore no thought for the morrow: for the morrow shall take thought for the things of itself.  Sufficient unto the day is the evil thereof."

Romans 14:7 tells us: "For the kingdom of God is not meat and drank: but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost."

Righteousness is of God.  Peace is of Jesus.  Joy is of the Holy Ghost.  The kingdom of God from this perspective sheds light on the "kingdom" parables which are talking more about "being" than about a place where we go. 

It may even be that living in the spirit of the kingdom may make it possible to experience that literal kingdom at some point.  On earth as it is in heaven may have great application for us as we contemplate this. 

I have decided that this is a goal that I want to keep for 2014.  It is more than a goal.  It is a relationship into which I enter.  One description of "kingdom of God" is the work of grace upon the heart.  That is all about relationship.

I sat for a while today and beheld Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.  I was touched anew with the sweetness that fills me as I take time to do this, as well as behold the other emblems of Jesus in the chapel room.  In the spirit of that I felt my heart in the joy of the Holy Ghost.

Seeking first the kingdom of God, let us step joyfully in 2014 and embrace the daily pursuit of our magnificent God.