Monday, November 25, 2013

Fireside Reflections

This evening, we had to wonderful opportunity to be at a friend's house on the lake.  There was a bonfire and picnic food.  Some folks we knew.  Some folks we didn't.  A beautiful collection of people. 

We watched the sun go down.  The clouds turned that pretty peach/pink that can happen with some sunsets.  It was lovely.  The snapping of the wood in the bonfire does something restful to you.  It was very calming and beautiful....and a really special way to end a day of rest.   

It made me think of Jesus by the lake after the resurrection.  He had fish on the fire, and He called to the disciples to come eat.  They were so glad to see Him.    

When we think of the disciples, we think of them in the collective sense.  We don't always see them as individuals.  Their unique personalities being mixed like the ingredients of a great recipe!    

Although, I am sure that none of us there gave any thought to being disciples...we really are.   I saw smiling faces, caring faces, fun faces, interested faces--it was a delightful mix of precious people.  In that fellowship of gratitude in the moment, we were all ministered to.   

 I came home rested and feeling somewhat put together in that lazy, peaceful sort of way that comes when we have been at the water's edge and felt the warmth and restfulness of the fire.  Reflecting upon the experience and writing about it gave me an additional gift. 

My friend who invited us to her home is such an easy hostess.  Actually, she can make a party out of peanut butter and crackers!!!  I love this about her.  It was an impromptu get-together.  She is so good at "shepherding" people.  She actually tends goats, and I am thinking that she has learned many lessons that she applies to people!
When I thought about Jesus on the lake inviting the disciples to come eat, I saw Jesus in her.  Everyone there was blessed because of her willingness to entertain, and together we were more than what we are apart.  My friend is a treasure and everyone is better for her presence in their lives.  Thank you, my sweet friend, for a wonderful evening.

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