Sunday, November 17, 2013


The Lord has been talking about being "pitiful."  Every once in a while, I recognize that I'm being pitiful.  Have you ever seen this in you?  I hope I'm not the only one!  When I asked for guidance, I had the realization that in my upbringing, you were commended when you worked hard, and you really got approval if you worked very hard and looked pitiful.   The underlying issues is about being worthwhile.    

A lack of personal worth was passed down in my family.  Your worth came from being a hard worker.  Your affirmations from others made you feel worthwhile and significant.  If you overwork and look pitiful then you are really worth a lot! 

Now, on the one side of the coin I really dislike pitiful.  So, you see the don't like what you are.   

For me, God speaks to me in pictures and in "a knowing."  So, when He showed the picture of "pitiful," I was impressed with a truth.  It takes a lot of energy to be pitiful.  We have to embrace the truth about ourselves....our wounds, our imperfections, our darkness...if we are going to be free and these things no longer have power over us. 

As long as I fight against it, it will have power over me.  You empower what you fight against.   

When God brings truth we can have the faith which will lead to action.  Working together to clear the lies results in seeing Himself and yourself more clearly.  It purifies the soul.   

Truth is a sanctifier.  God's truth has the potential to reach mind, body, and heart.  It transforms.  When allowed into the inner sanctuary of the soul, it goes down to our depths and brings the whole being into harmonious action. 

God has removed "pitiful" from me.  I feel much better!

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