Sunday, March 2, 2014

Manifesting Your Music

“Many people die with their music still in them. Too often it is because they are always getting ready to live. Before they know it time runs out.”  Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.  

Are you dying with your music still in you? 

Stress kills.  Our programming is that we must feel stressed when things are uncomfortable to us.  The truth is that we cannot feel bad enough to make things feel better.  Our programming is that "stressing" is just the way things are done.  We have bought into this lie.  Our neuropathways have been trained in the stress response.  This is our programming.   

Our programming can be changed!  What is your music that needs to manifest?  Who are you...really?  Instead of being what you think you are supposed to be which has been determined by what everyone else has dictated, who are you?  You have an original intent that maybe has not been tapped yet.   

Teachers are telling us that when we are not expressing our true self, being, doing, speaking, creating, building, growing, etc., we will express ourselves in the negative ways.  It is kind of like a child who is not getting attention...he/she will act up because negative attention is better than none.  It may be sickness, weight gain, depression, anxiety, anger, hopelessness, helplessness, resignation, etc.   

It may be that the first step to you letting your music surface is to develop a plan of self-care.  It says to us that we are important, worthy, of value, deserving, etc.  If we do not believe that, chances are no one else will.  We are often so resistant to self-care because our programming has been that to overdo makes us more valuable.  Again, our programming is a lie.   

Sometimes our first step may be to hear in our hearts and/or minds all the objections that come up when we consider self-care.  Those are our places of incorrect programming...the lies we believe about ourselves, others, God, and how life is supposed to be lived.  What music are you meant to manifest?  Make a plan for self-care.  If you need help with getting rid of all those objections, consider doing to emotional clearing work like Emotional Freedom Techniques or TAT (Tampus Acupressure Technique).  I see this as a touching the hem of the garment in the prayer process.  Need help.  Ask.  God bless!

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