Monday, February 10, 2014

Resonance and Health

Resonance.  One definition of resonance is sound produced by a body vibrating in sympathy with a neighboring source of sound.  Everything in our world is about energy, and consequently resonance means a great deal to us.  Our bodies also resonates with the negative or the positive thoughts...they are energy, too.

On an emotional and spiritual level, the energy of a virus is defined as: the ugliness and bitterness of life overshadowing the beautiful.  Science has proven that down to a cellular level our bodies are responding to our beliefs.  A cell resonating with positive energy (beliefs) will not open to a virus cell.  It is only when the negative energy overpowers the positive energy that the cell opens to a virus, and we get sick.

Science has shown that our DNA is also being changed by our thoughts...for positive or negative.  Proverbs 23:7 tells us that as a man thinks so is he.  Science is validating that a merry heart is like a medicine. 

I am so glad to live in a time that we have this scientific validation of the word of God because it is helping us to see more clearly that the word of God has application in our lives.  Our lives have been so fractured into the medical, the emotional/psychological, and the religious, and each part has been given its expert.  The problem is that in the fracturing, the wholeness of our situation is ignored. 

I see it in the natural health arena also.  People pursue that one thing that is going to heal everything...and fast.  What vitamin can they take to help this?    People come in with bags of nutritional supplements that they are taking, and they do not feel better.  What is wrong?  If a person  has a negative belief (lie) that they have been carrying a long time, there is no supplement or herb that can overpower that resonance.  It must be eliminated. 

With our fast-food fix mentality, we really do not want to be bothered with looking within for our answers.  We have been well taught that all our answers are outside of us and in the hand of an expert.  We just have to find the right expert or the natural panacea.  We keep chasing or suppressing symptoms.

It is time that we turn to the word of God for our answers.  Yes, I believe that even the answers to our health are in the Bible.  Psalm 107:20:  He sent out his word and healed them; he rescued them from the grave. It may take us a time of learning to get the hang of this, but James 1:5 is a promise for wisdom.

What good is the Scripture if it has not practical application in our lives?  All the religion in the world does not help anyone out of the darkness of their wounds and lies.  In Jesus ministry, He meet physical, emotional, and spiritual needs.  I suggest that we start reading the Word from these levels and ask God to reveal Himself in all of them.  Often, we read a story and only make shallow interpretations of that, or we simply take someone else's opinion about it.  Again, we are looking for our religious answers outside of ourselves.  The answer needs to become "flesh" in us through the enlightenment of the Holy Spirit and through our own personal experience.  No one can give us their personal experience.  It is the five foolish virgins asking the five wise for oil (Holy Spirit).  It is something we have to obtain through knowing Him. 

 The Bible says that the Lord is our Shepherd and we shall not want.  Contemplate that!  Let us ask God how we are not believing these words.  Matthew 7:7: "Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you."  Praise God!

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