Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Releasing and Rejoicing

The Chinese perspective in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is that we have three brains…gut, heart, mind.  Science is validating this way of looking at things.  We now have a deeper understanding of the gut neural tissues which are filled with important neurotransmitters revealing that our mental state is determined, in part, by this dynamic.  It also plays a key role in certain diseases.  And science shows that the heart organ is intelligent and that it can lead the brain in our interpretation of the world around us, and the actions we chose to take.

What I love about all this research is that it validates the Scripture.  “As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.”  “Out of the abundance of the heart flow the issues of life.”

I think this information can also explain the reason we sometimes have trouble releasing and letting go.  We have probably dealt with it on the level of brain/intellect but not on the level of the other two brains: gut and heart.  This has enormous potential for our healing on all levels.  This gives us a different type of understanding and power.  This type of power is very different than the “force” mode in which we tend to live and work. 

 A beautiful example of this power is modeled in the Hebrew sanctuary service.  In the compartment called the holy place, was the table of shewbread, the menorah, and the altar of incense.  The altar of incense was a place of intercession.  It modeled our Lord’s work for us as intercessor. At the altar of incense, the priest would sprinkle the incense on the hot coals.  That created a fragrant white cloud through which the priest would walk to go into the most holy place.  This is beautiful!  That fragrant white cloud represents the white robe of righteousness of Jesus that allows Him (and us) to come into God’s presence.  It also symbolizes the role of Jesus after His resurrection and ascension when He took His blood to the Father.

The altar of incense had four horns…one on each corner.  Scripture study shows that “horns” are often mentioned in the Bible.  It is in the context of the horns of the wicked being cut of and the horns of the righteous being made strong.  You see, it is the righteousness of God that makes our "horns" (will power) strong.  The priest would anoint those four horns with the blood of the Lamb during this stage of ministry.  This is the power that we get to experience.  Nothing is our responsibility.  It is all God’s agenda and we are instruments…anointed horns.  Some even see that the significance of there being four horns correlates to there being four chambers in our hearts.  I am sure that four is significant.  The whole picture of the priest anointing the four horns and sprinkling the altar with incense (His righteousness) is such a tender scene.  It shows the intimate caring daily of our Savior.  It shows that we have no power that is ours.

Releasing goes hand in hand with rejoicing.  There is a way that seems rights to a man and the end thereof is the ways of death.  This is the way of “force.”  All our imagined responsibilities cause us to feel overwhelmed.  Then we kick into forcing our way whether it is with others, or our own body being overworked and undernourished.  Positions and prestige are opportunities for “force” to work itself out.  The only way we can overcome this tendency is to have the daily anointing to the horns (will power).  

The three brains—mind, gut, and heart—need this anointing daily.  That means that God’s true power in us creates an anointed trinity within us.  A double minded man is unstable in all his ways the Bible says.  These scientific truths help us understand that this is not just a nice saying, it is cosmic principle.  We can embrace this truth and be made free.  This is such good news, and it is a wonderful place for releasing and rejoicing as we become a new creation daily.

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