Compare this to
the Luke 12:42: Who then is that faithful and wise steward, when his lord shall
make ruler over his household, to give them their portion of meat in due
Stewardship is a
relationship issue. Before it engages
our doing, it engages our perception of "husband" or
"Lord." It is an honor to be
trusted with the position and responsibility.
It is about serving and managing all that He has placed before you. We so often want people and position to serve
us. I call this the "fairy
tale" syndrome. We want the knight
and shining armor to sweep us away to the castle where we are served and
catered to. That is not what God has
called us to.
The lie in all
this may be that we see only our limitations...some people even take comfort in
those limitations because they feel excused by them. Everyone else does it better. I cannot do it as good as others. I do not have what I need to do it.
And so, if you
cannot be validated by the works of your own hand, you will find value in the
works of others...what they give you or do for you. It a second-hand / counterfeit value. It is a prostituting of our soul. Seeking to be valuable in some way, we read
it as "I am of value" because others give or do for me.
Not only does
the virtuous woman have a correct perception of relationship to husband, she
willing works with her hands and head.
She can conduct business. She
gets up early and stays up late. She
works with her hands in her own "garden." Garden is symbolic of whatever the Lord has
called us to do. She knows her work is
good. She KNOWS her work is
good...self-esteem, self-respect. She
serves the poor and needy...she is community oriented. She is dressing her family in beautiful
clothes, and she dresses herself with beauty.
This is because she knows who SHE is.
It is another way her husband safely trusts in her. She is wise and kind. This is other centered, not self-centered.
When we first
have a relationship that is based on truth...I am a steward of all that God has
placed in my hands...I am trusted...we have a correct perception of the other
details, too. This mirrors: seek ye
first the kingdom
of God and all the other
things will be taken care of.
A main gift in
this lesson is this: If I know who I am
(daughter of God, wife of the Lord of the manor), I understand that I am in a
relationship of equals like the trinity.
They are one with three different roles.
They are functioning in mutual submission to one another.
For me, the
Proverbs 31 woman is full of truth and encouragement. Her OWN works praise her in the gates. This is delightful. It isn't the works of others for her that
gives her validation. It is her
works. The community takes note of her
because she is other centered. That is,
after all, what love means.
Here is to
growing and becoming all that we can be...the Proverbs 31 woman. May we each be praised in the gates of our
sphere of influence because we correctly perceive that we are serving the Lord
in mutual submission. Praise God!
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