Monday, December 2, 2013

Are You IN today?

"We need not seek opportunity in the distance; we may find it right were we stand."  Russell Conwell

I think the above quote says something that is very important.  Russell Conwell, author of the old book Acres of Diamonds, was everything from a business person to a minister.  His writing is full of humor and insight.  Even though written years ago in a style that is dated, you might enjoy it:

When I was in high school it was called senioritis.  We could not wait until college...because everything would be wonderful THEN.  When I was in college, we could not wait until we would be wonderful then.  Then it was marriage...everything would be wonderful then.  And on and on.   

We were missing great opportunities by being lost in the future...not appreciating and living in the present.  There is a lot of this mind set still going on.  It basically keeps success, happiness, prosperity, etc. wrapped up in whatever tomorrow is supposed to bring . 

I believe that being lost in the future does another detrimental thing to us.   It keeps up from heeding the still, small voice that is giving us guidance today.  I AM is a present tense God.  Everything He is, everything He has is ours in the present tense.   

The Lord is our Shepherd, we shall not want.  You can want what you do not need because you are discontent.  You shall not want can mean you shall not be in need because the Shepherd has everything, and He supplies our needs.  This is really a promise that we can apply to all of life situations.  Where are we discontented?  Where are we in need...financially, physically, emotionally, spiritually? 

We cannot add one thing to our plate, our bank account, our minds, our souls, or our bodies if we are lost in tomorrow.  The practices of using what you have, starting where you are, and believing in the present tense that "I have everything I need this moment in time," keep us in the present, and we can be partnered with a present tense God.   

Let us not wait until forces outside of us make everything great for us.  Let us ask God for present tense solutions.  Is He our God or is it the externals in this world?  "Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus."  (Philippians 4:6-7)  Ever notice how God's commands are also promises.  How good is our God!

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