Monday, November 25, 2013

This World Is Not Our Home

We only want the right god, created in our image, to overthrow what we perceive as the evil of life.  We do not want a God who walks in the middle of the storm or even sleeps in the middle of the storm.  We do not want the storms.  We have our own storyline of our god, and it is not the God of heaven.    

Like Israel of old who wanted a king in place of the King, we have put someone or something between us and the one true God...our high priest and our King.  We prefer to listen to the false prophets, to slay  true prophets, and to crucify God. 

We have ears that do not hear, eyes that do not see, and we have hardened our hearts to the things of God.  We are in bondage and believe it is freedom.  We think we are rich and increased with goods and know not that we are poor, blind, miserable, and naked.   

We do not want to be discomforted with this information.  We prefer to believe our myths.  Deep down inside we know that something is wrong.  Life is NOT manifesting as our myth proclaims.  What do we do?   

Like Peter who knew that the Lord was the Son of God, yet did not know that the earth was not the Kingdom...he did not get it that the way to the Kingdom came through crucifixion...our life changing event via denying Christ is coming upon us.  

"Peter, I have prayed for you, and when you are converted..."  Isn't it good to know that the Lord is praying for us to have eye salve?  He knows we need a daily conversion to more and more truth.  Praise God.  In His Truth, we can break down the myths that have us in bondage.  They are not working for is time to see this.  It isn't the world that will bring us the Kingdom. The world cries peace, peace, and there is not peace.  It is a myth.    
It is time to revisit the counsel of the prophets of old.  Their message is still vital and has meaning to us today.  All of God's Truth is for our admonition and instruction.  God is love.  If we do not see that in the Scriptures, we need to ask for new eyes for we have misunderstood a text or a story.   Let us not be like the Jews who sang over and over again the songs of redemption but misapplied them to an earthly kingdom.  This world is not our home

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