Monday, November 18, 2013

The Father Wants to Play With Us

God knows who we are and how we are.  He has created us a certain way.  The generational combinations of possibilities for who and how we could have been makes us distinctly us.  Isn't that an amazing thought?

Do you ever feel just ordinary?  This thought eliminates that fallacy.  We are anything but ordinary.

I wonder sometimes at God's patience in waiting for us to embrace how special we are..."I know the plans I have for you...." He says.

Do we see the heavenly Father waiting to play with us?  This thought recently occurred to me.   We are so busy being grown up that we don't take time to play...we make appointments to play, party, picnic, etc.  Daily living play...not so much. 

How does God want to play with us?  How do we mix playing with God with chores and errands?  How come we don't see this as another type of playing.  I hope I am not the only one who missed the class that told me they are one and the same.

It's a new thought.  It's a new question for me.  I don't have many answers.  I just see a group of girls having fun with God...and He is very glad we showed up for the fun as well as the worship.  I wonder if playing with children is the closest we've gotten to playing with God?

I don't like to shop.   When I have do so, I ask God that He come along and make it something fun...maybe just what I need and on sale!  Some people think this is disrespectful.  I do not.  I ask for a parking space near the front door.  He seems to regularly work that out.  God turns a parking space into a miracle and a love note.   It's kind of fun when He shows you that you are special to Him.

Remember the kids game of hide and seek?  I think maybe it's a good example for us!  As a child, we played hide and seek with excitement and joy.  We had fun.  Then we grew up and hide and seek game opportunities became work and drudgery.  This just occurred to me so grant me some liberty.

It takes a child's perspective for a game to be fun.  The games we play as we get older are really no different.  Somewhere along the way we lost the ability to play with no investment in's just having fun.  Somewhere our perception changed--games are different than work. 

Maybe there is some heavenly genius in everything being a fun game...suffer the little children--allow the child in us--for of such is the kingdom. 

Maybe I could pretend that I am one of the King's kids on a mission.  Oh wait!  I am!  Could I turn this into fun?   How much of a stretch is it for me to think this?  Huummmm...does that measure how far away I have gotten from game playing?

I am 63.  I think the first part of my life has been so serious.  I want the rest of it to be flavored with fun!  I know life can hand us that which is not fun.  Maybe our recovery program is FUN. 

Our challenge--my challenge:  can I take this and make something else out of it?  Kids take boxes and turn them into cars, houses, buses, etc.  They take mud and fashion little dishes.  They turn every situation into a game or creative endeavor.  They come to the end of their day completely exhausted in a healthy way because it was all fun and good.  They live each day as if it is the only one they have, and they just have to get all that fun into it!  I want that!  

God grant us eyes and hearts of children.  Help us remember how to play.  I believe He has been waiting a long time for us.   Do you remember how to play?

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