Thursday, May 7, 2015

Ephesians 2:1-2: Two Different Places, One Answer

Ephesians 2 Amplified Bible (AMP)

1 And you [He made alive], when you were dead (slain) by [your] trespasses and sins

2 In which at one time you walked [habitually]. You were following the course and fashion of this world [were under the sway of the tendency of this present age], following the prince of the power of the air. [You were obedient to and under the control of] the [demon] spirit that still constantly works in the sons of disobedience [the careless, the rebellious, and the unbelieving, who go against the purposes of God].

It is so helpful to know who is speaking in a text and to whom it is being spoken.  Here we have Paul speaking or maybe someone who helped him write.  The audience to whom he is speaking are the Gentiles and the Jews.  This  puts things in perspective and can be very helpful.  One day, I was reading a chapter of the Bible and suddenly it dawned on me that this was being spoken to the church (God’s people) instead of to the non-churched.  That made a big difference to my understanding. 

The following comment about trespasses and sins is really insightful, too.  I know there is a difference, but until I read the following comments, I did not know that they described states of being for Gentile and Jews.  Makes a big difference.

From John Wesley’s Explanatory comments  Who were dead — Not only diseased, but dead; absolutely void of all spiritual life; and as incapable of quickening yourselves, as persons literally dead. In trespasses and sins-Sins seem to be spoken chiefly of the gentiles, who knew not God; trespasses, of the Jews, who had his law, and yet regarded it not, Ephesians 2:5.  The latter herein obeyed the flesh; the former, the prince of the power of the air.

Two different groups of people were made alive from two different states of being…both of which meant that they were living in death.  This says a great deal to us.  Often, the Christian, points a finger at those they judge as lost.  It may be that the “Jews” of this age are just as lost as the “Gentiles” of this age.  They just do not know it.  Neither rightly discerns their situation.  There is a lot of good news here because no matter which group we are (lost spiritual Jews or Gentiles), God has made a way for all to understand their predicament, Him and His plan through Christ.  How quickly the truth about ourselves and our situation changes our world view and our view of ourselves.  A point to be considered is the description of those who considered themselves righteous.  They thought they were keeping the law and that was their safety.  It had nothing to do with relationship with God in the sense of knowing Him intimately.  Sometimes our doing, even law keeping, is the check list of things.  Our motives are to do...not to know Him.    

To me, the most important words are in Verse 1…and you He made alive!  As in Chapter 1 we saw the cosmic plan unfolding because of love and love’s response, so in Chapter 2, we are reminded of our glorious calling…what we were created to fulfill (Romans 8).  The Word of God is a living Word…it becomes flesh in our lives as it finds application to us in KNOWING Him.  Often, the checklist keeps us self-focused.  How can I see you if I keep tripping over myself.  How can I know God personally when I'm so involved in me.   So much of our doing is centered in self-love.  Are we studying His word to know things...information, facts, more?   Are we studying His word to know Him?

The opportunity of studying Ephesians (and any other scripture) is an opportunity to watch God and be changed by beholding.  It is not so much the facts that will change us as the beholding, meditating, seeking.  Pursue God.  I am excited to continue the Ephesians study and our journey of becoming more like the Lord as His Word becomes flesh in us.  May this time be a quiet spot in your day bidding you to come apart and be with Him a while.  There is a saying: wherever I go, there I am.  Let Paul's words show us finger pointing.  Let Paul inspire you to see God, know God, and love God.  We love because He first loved.  

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