The opportunities for meeting wonderful people at Lea's Natural Health are just amazing. We get to know the extremes in health, hope, courage, gratitude, and the inquisitive. We are so blessed that most people who come to see us really want to learn, and they are willing to consider the holistic truths of mind, body, and spirit.
As I think about the great people who use our services, I am brought to a place of thankfulness and gratitude. We consider these wonderful folks to be journey companions. Many of you are fellow students...always learning and sharing what you know. What a wonderful opportunity for each of us. Many of you are prayer partners. This is not taken lightly. Many of you encourage us by thanking us for being where we are doing what we are doing. This has, more than once, lifted us and affirmed that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing this moment in time.
The friends of Lea's NHS has taught us much. It was because of your encouragement that I actually endeavored and wrote the book that so many had been asking for..."Linda, do you have a book or something that teaches what you share in our sessions?" I did not! It took a lot of courage to get that book written, and this year it happened. It has been a great experience, and I have so many of the good folks at Lea's NHS to thank. The following link is a video trailer about the book and I hope you enjoy this introduction to the book:
We have had our challenges the last couple of years, and I appreciate the encouragement and friendship that so many of you have shared with us. They say you teach what you need to know, and in the writing of this book, we have discovered truths that help set us free from the burdens of so many relationship issues. I laugh at myself when I remember that the Lord spoke these words to me about fifteen years ago: Linda, if you can get over yourself, no one else will bother you. Every day, I find out more and more how true this is.
As Thanksgiving is fast approaching, I wanted to say "thanks" to all of you who have journeyed with us in the eleven or so years that we have been at Campbell Station Road. Sometimes we think it is just about business. For Overton and me, it is about so much more than that. We want you to experience the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that we know God has for each of us. It may not be in the way that we first thought it would happen, but God does have our answers.
When I look back at my own story...being so very sick in my forties...and realize the precious people that God put in place to help me get my life back, I am filled with gratitude. Even last year when I had a bump in the road with my health, so many of you held me up in prayer and your words and deeds encouraged me. I thank you!
We live in challenging times. As we approach another year, let us all be encouraged by the truth that God's ways are not man's ways. This is good news because there are not many of man's ways that are working. The Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and everything we need will be taken care of. This is more than just an admonition, it is cosmic law/principle that will work itself out in our lives if we cooperate with it. I have found that this is an amazing journey...and as someone this week told me, it gives you such peace. Even when we have those trouble spots, the peace that is available is not of this this world we will have trouble, but be of good cheer Jesus has overcome the world. This is earthly reality balanced with Heaven's reality. Let us each commit to live from the heavenly perspective of "be of good cheer, He has overcome the world." God bless!
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