When Jesus was baptized, John the baptist knew he was the Messiah. Yet, when John was in prison, he sent his disciples to Him to ask if He was the One or should they look for another. Jesus let the disciples of John watch Him work for a while, and then He told them to go tell John what they had seen. In Matthew11:4-6 we are told what they saw. Verse 5 tells us: The blind see and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.
This has some amazing lessons for us.
Inappropriate expectations based on what is in it for me.
Because we are selfish, we approach the messiahs in our life from a what is in it for me point of reference. We get involved with the programs and planning for the new kingdom that we think the messiah will bring. Like the disciples who were looking for a military messiah, we can start planning how the new kingdom on earth is going to be. This misses the point of Jesus’ life completely. We can be in the church and be building an earthly kingdom. That is exampled in the Bible by the conflict in the various churches regarding people teaching another gospel other than Christ’s.
I did not expect to end up in prison.
Usually, our expectations have to be laid in the dust before we are willing to consider a different perspective. It was the same with Peter when he heard the cock crowing three times. These are life changing events. When we see ourselves more clearly, we are more likely to see the truth of what Jesus has been trying to tell us all along.
Truth encounter — taking another look at Messiah.
Jesus gave John’s disciples a look at what He was really doing as Messiah. The blind see and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are resurrected, the poor have the gospel preached to them. These were literal works that the disciples saw. However, they have profound implications then and now for the overall picture of what the Messiah does.
We can be spiritually blind. We can be emotionally and spiritually unable to walk correctly. The lepers can be anyone who is the outcast…who has been barred from communion with the group. We are all prone to deafness when we are resistant to truth that we do not want to deal with! We are the walking dead needing a resurrection…a new creation.
The poor hear the gospel preached
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their’s is the kingdom of heaven. This is interesting that Jesus includes this in the list of healing works. I think that He may be saying to John who is questioning “kingdom” issues that the real kingdom is what He has been teaching and doing…the red words in the Bible. This kingdom will be given to those who recognize their need for a Messiah…not a kingdom on earth. The real kingdom is all wrapped up in relationship with Him and our fellows.
The dying of self
Literally, John was killed. Like John, we must die to the lies into which we have bought.
John went to his death knowing the truth about the Messiah and trusting in the resurrection. I bet he was one of those resurrected at Jesus’ resurrection and ascended on high when He went to heaven. I cannot prove that, but my heart wants to believe it.
Are we ready for the truth that is in this scripture? Are we ready to participate in the Messiah’s healing? It will probably take you to places you did not expect.
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