Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Elegant Model

Recently, I decided that I wanted a holiday dinner to be an opportunity for a return to elegance. It seemed to me that it had been way too long since I had set an elegant table. The last several years we’ve been more about busy and convenience than anything else. As I analyzed the hectic holiday activity, my heart’s desire was to model elegance once again to my children. And I realized that my grandchildren were not seeing elegance modeled in their homes.
Today, it seems that families think they are too busy to participate in moments of elegance. I don’t want this for my grandchildren. Because children spill and drop things, it seems allowable to dismiss elegance for convenience. The use of paper plates keeps clean up simple...we reason.

Children are not learning how to put a napkin in their laps. Children are not learning to respect the fine china. And they are not getting to experience the awe of seeing a beautiful table set for a special event. Nor or they learning to sit at the table and converse after the meal is finished. They eat, hop up and go play. After dinner conversation is another opportunity for elegance. Too many meals are being eaten in front of the television.

Elegance is defined as the quality of being elegant; dignified richness and grace, as of design (polished) refined grace as in manners. Elegant is defined as luxurious and opulent in a refined, tasteful manner. 

The most important aspect of these definitions is “the quality of being”. The beauty of elegance is that luxuriousness and opulence can come via simplicity. While money can purchase many beautiful things that may or may not be elegant, elegance is not dependent on money.

Elegance is more than money or style. Elegance in living is a state of being…a manifestation of an inner spirit of beauty, balance and grace. Elegance often looks like it just happened. Not so. It requires a plan and effort, and a commitment to doing whatever is required to live in elegance. And it’s worth it. Elegance treats the home, heart, person, spirit, moments, events, and holidays like royal guests…like angels from heaven.

Elegance starts with the awareness that we are called into elegance by our God. We are created for elegance…look at the description of heaven. The description of the tabernacle is full of elegance. God said that the world would know about Him because His people were rich, lived elegant lives and worshipped in a beautiful sanctuary. Living lives of richness and elegance was to be the witness of a powerful God. It was to cause others to consider that they, too, might have this type of relationship with the God of Heaven. It was meant to draw others into the beauty of relationship living with God and man. 

This week, give some thought about how you can bring elegance into your life. It can be as simple as a special dinner served with candlelight and music on a blanket on the floor. Initiate conversation about ideas…not people or problems. Draw your children into the process by asking them about their day. Model gratitude…show them how to say, I’m thankful for… Do this with a joyful heart even if it’s been a long day. That also is a model of elegance. 

Saturday, November 22, 2014

The Elegance of Living Life on Purpose

Life can either happen to you or you can engage spiritual principles and live life on purpose. There is elegance to a person and their life when the life is being lived from a standard of truth. There are many spiritual laws and taking time to study these will richly bless the life. Here are two laws of great significance: 

The law of reciprocity: Give and it shall be given unto you.

The law of self-determination: Whatsoever you sew, you reap.

 You can either be master of these laws or they will master you. For instance, the law of reciprocity is about giving and receiving. Some people turn this into a business transaction or a place for getting noticed…again buying something rather than giving. We are to freely give and, if possible, give in secret. 

In order to give with a cheerful spirit, one must develop the attitude of abundance. Let’s use tithing as an example. Most people approach tithing from a scarcity mentality: 100% - 10% = 90%. A tither who gives from the spirit of abundance understands it this way: 100% X 10% = 1,000%. This is the math of Heaven and models the abundance of Heaven….give and it shall be given.

It takes courage – an elegant courage to discipline and govern the self. Understand that you either live within these laws and are blessed, or you live in conflict with these principles and find that “That which I fear comes upon me; and that which I dread comes upon me.” Job 3:25. This is another spiritual principle that once understood empowers a person to proactively deal with not only fear issues but other emotions that need to be processed.   

The law of self-determination, or sewing and reaping, is basically the law of attraction. An elegant person “sews” courtesy, forgiveness, patience….all those fruits of the spirit. More often than not, these graces will be returned to you. Always? Probably not. Given that, living life “on purpose” and “with purpose” turns a challenge into a learning experience rather than a blame game. Life, then, becomes an educational opportunity. 

What do you believe about living life? Is it being pursued proactively or is it on default mode so that everyone around you has to pick up the pieces? No one is put here to make everything wonderful for you.  No one is put here to pick up your responsibility. No one is put here to be your dumping ground for all your problems. My lack of planning does not mean that someone else is responsible for that which is my responsibility. 

“He that refuseth instruction despiseth his own soul: but he that heareth reproof getteth understanding. The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom; and before honor is humility.” Proverbs 15:32,33. The best place for instruction is from the Word of God. Humility is the starting place for learning to live the elegant, purposeful life. Asking for help…asking for mentoring…having a spiritual accountability partner…being wise in the Word…these are proactive approaches that help create an elegant life.

Living life on purpose is something you plan.  How am I going to serve others today?  What am I going to do to proactively say to people that they are loved?  What am I going to do that is a living out of the golden rule?  Do I live life on purpose in a way that includes self-care?  You cannot give away what you do not have...not for long anyway.  

This world seems to be full of entitlement mentality.  Give me, give me, give me.  As a man thinks in his heart, so is he.  Living life on purpose tears down that selfishness.  We can all be selfish.  It takes some thoughtful planning to see beyond our own needs and wants.  Maybe this is the first step to living life on purpose and being this kind of elegant person.

The Elegance of Positivity

An elegant person builds up those in their sphere of influence...doing no harm ever to another's mind, body, or spirit.  An elegant person has learned to be silent when there is nothing positive to be said.  They understand the power of words -- the power of the tongue.  Knowing that words can create, they are careful in choosing their words.  This carefulness models to others the elegance of positivity. 

 An elegant person continues the practice of deliberately stopping negative and critical thinking and negative and critical programming. One way to do this is the rubber band tool—wear it around the wrist and each time a negative or critical though is recognized, the band is popped and the arm experiences pain. Within a month, negative/critical thoughts will begin to disappear. In this way, mastery of self is gained, and that is another quality of elegance. We are told to take every thought captive into the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:4-5). This is an active way of making an application of this particular counsel. 

An elegant person moves in the spirit of gratitude and happiness. These are not attributes that someone gives you. These are decisions you make. These are commitments you make. Someone has said that most people are about as happy as they decide to be. This is true.

Since most of us have spent too much of our lives waiting for someone or something to MAKE us happy, we need to reconsider our thinking. Happiness is not about that which is outside of us. It comes from deciding to be happy and grateful no matter what. Start each day with this commitment: I am happy and grateful to be in this day and for all the opportunities that God is bringing my way today. You might even give some thought to what kind of opportunities you would like to come into your life. For instance, say there is a challenge at work or in the family. Then your affirmation might go like this: I am happy and grateful for the answer coming to me about…

Living life deliberately changes everything. The elegance of positivity can become a covering, a protective sheltering place, through which God’s law of giving and receiving is more quickly played out in your life…give and it shall be given.

What keeps us from being positive? Fear, anger, grief, shame, blame, being critical…all of these emotions have such a low frequency. Why do we get stuck there? Sometimes it’s because we do not know who we are in Christ. Not understanding the truth about our relationship with Christ means that we are living under the shadow of lies about who we are and what we are supposed to be and do. Sometimes we are stuck in these negative patterns because we’ve been raised in that energy. Sometimes we just need to decide to change it all. Sometimes we need help. Sometimes the most positive thing we can do is to admit that we need help. There are all kinds of help available to those who know that they need help. When you are ready the answer will be there.

Living in the elegance of positivity is about trust. Sometimes when times are difficult, we move into survival mode. From that place, we are very alone. It is frightening. This is where the victim lives. How we respond to the trials that come our way is a mirror showing us what we really believe about God. Do we trust Him with every part of our lives? By this, I do not mean that we are to deny our feelings. Grief, anger, fear...these are a part of the human experience that have the potential of helping us move away from man-centered living to God-centered living. Do we really believe that God is taking care of us? Do we really believe that God has answers for us that do not fall into the realm of this physical experience that we are having here in Earth School?

The elegance of positivity is a spiritual discipline that will create miracles in our lives. There is a divine science to it all, and it is full of the blessings of God. God help us take our challenges and turn them into opportunities for learning something about ourselves and something more about God.

Thursday, November 20, 2014

A Touch of Elegance

A touch of elegance is needed in life. We can surround ourselves with beauty and order – this is good. But we need a touch of elegance from above.

In the wilderness, a most unattractive place…a place where want was all around…God erected a sanctuary so He could dwell with His people. No matter where we are, He is willing to come down and be with us.

In the desolate place, God gave instructions for a tabernacle that was beautiful in fabrics and furnishings and purpose and meaning. The work of that place was not physically attractive, however. It was full of death and blood. We so often want the elegance without the work.

The ugly part was a visual aid of life on this earth—our situation. The beauty of Heaven came down to sin and death…all this, to usher us to a better place—the throne room.

One lesson from the tabernacle—a place of hope—is the promise in the process. The tabernacle experience was God’s people practicing the promise. It was the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. Jesus did the hard work, the ugly work to usher me into the throne room—a place of elegance.

We need a touch of elegance daily. The worship experience fills this need. The tabernacle service is a visual aid for a worship experience that allows the fullness of the Godhead to work out its pleasure in our lives…this is not something we really understand. This is not something we work up or get from God. It is something God works out or does in us. It can happen because I’m in the presence of God listening to His word that will become flesh in my life.

A touch of elegance is needed in life. I must pursue this elegance even when I’m in the desert of life surrounded by want and need. I must pursue this elegance even when I think that I’ll never find way way out of the desert. I must pursue this elegance when all that I see in myself is sin and the need for the blood of Jesus.

The work of Heaven is a science that will be forever studied. The power of beholding, the life in the blood, the inside out change…these are energetic sciences that are just now being studied with slight understanding. 

A touch of elegance is needed in life, and it is found in the most unlikely places….you and me. Now, we are tabernacles for the indwelling of Heaven. This indwelling creates an elegant life that witnesses to the power and glory of God…elegance imparted, elegance received, elegance shared.

Thank you, Father God!

Sunday, November 16, 2014

Participating in the Messiah's Healing

When Jesus was baptized, John the baptist knew he was the Messiah.  Yet, when John was in prison, he sent his disciples to Him to ask if He was the One or should they look for another.  Jesus let the disciples of John watch Him work for a while, and then He told them to go tell John what they had seen.  In Matthew11:4-6 we are told what they saw.  Verse 5 tells us: The blind see and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear; the dead are raised up and the poor have the gospel preached to them.

This has some amazing lessons for us.  

Inappropriate expectations based on what is in it for me.  
Because we are selfish, we approach the messiahs in our life from a what is in it for me point of reference.  We get involved with the programs and planning for the new kingdom that we think the messiah will bring.  Like the disciples who were looking for a military messiah, we can start planning how the new kingdom on earth is going to be.  This misses the point of Jesus’ life completely.  We can be in the church and be building an earthly kingdom.  That is exampled in the Bible by the conflict in the various churches regarding people teaching another gospel other than Christ’s.  

I did not expect to end up in prison.  
Usually, our expectations have to be laid in the dust before we are willing to consider a different perspective.  It was the same with Peter when he heard the cock crowing three times.  These are life changing events.  When we see ourselves more clearly, we are more likely to see the truth of what Jesus has been trying to tell us all along.  

Truth encounter — taking another look at Messiah.  
Jesus gave John’s disciples a look at what He was really doing as Messiah.  The blind see and the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed and the deaf hear, the dead are resurrected, the poor have the gospel preached to them.  These were literal works that the disciples saw.  However, they have profound implications then and now for the overall picture of what the Messiah does.  

We can be spiritually blind.  We can be emotionally and spiritually unable to walk correctly.  The lepers can be anyone who is the outcast…who has been barred from communion with the group.  We are all prone to deafness when we are resistant to truth that we do not want to deal with!  We are the walking dead needing a resurrection…a new creation.  

The poor hear the gospel preached
Blessed are the poor in spirit, for their’s is the kingdom of heaven.  This is interesting that Jesus includes this in the list of healing works.  I think that He may be saying to John who is questioning “kingdom” issues that the real kingdom is what He has been teaching and doing…the red words in the Bible. This kingdom will be given to those who recognize their need for a Messiah…not a kingdom on earth.  The real kingdom is all wrapped up in relationship with Him and our fellows.  

The dying of self  
Literally, John was killed.  Like John, we must die to the lies into which we have bought.
John went to his death knowing the truth about the Messiah and trusting in the resurrection.  I bet he was one of those resurrected at Jesus’ resurrection and ascended on high when He went to heaven.  I cannot prove that, but my heart wants to believe it.

Are we ready for the truth that is in this scripture?  Are we ready to participate in the Messiah’s healing?  It will probably take you to places you did not expect.  

Thursday, November 13, 2014


The opportunities for meeting wonderful people at Lea's Natural Health are just amazing.  We get to know the extremes in health, hope, courage, gratitude, and the inquisitive.  We are so blessed that most people who come to see us really want to learn, and they are willing to consider the holistic truths of mind, body, and spirit.  

As I think about the great people who use our services, I am brought to a place of thankfulness and gratitude.  We consider these wonderful folks to be journey companions.  Many of you are fellow students...always learning and sharing what you know.  What a wonderful opportunity for each of us.  Many of you are prayer partners.  This is not taken lightly.  Many of you encourage us by thanking us for being where we are doing what we are doing.  This has, more than once, lifted us and affirmed that we are doing what we are supposed to be doing this moment in time.  

The friends of Lea's NHS has taught us much.  It was because of your encouragement that I actually endeavored and wrote the book that so many had been asking for..."Linda, do you have a book or something that teaches what you share in our sessions?"  I did not!  It took a lot of courage to get that book written, and this year it happened.   It has been a great experience, and I have so many of the good folks at Lea's NHS to thank.  The following link is a video trailer about the book and I hope you enjoy this introduction to the book:

We have had our challenges the last couple of years, and I appreciate the encouragement and friendship that so many of you have shared with us.  They say you teach what you need to know, and in the writing of this book, we have discovered truths that help set us free from the burdens of so many relationship issues.  I laugh at myself when I remember that the Lord spoke these words to me about fifteen years ago: Linda, if you can get over yourself, no one else will bother you.  Every day, I find out more and more how true this is.

As Thanksgiving is fast approaching, I wanted to say "thanks" to all of you who have journeyed with us in the eleven or so years that we have been at Campbell  Station Road.  Sometimes we think it is just about business.  For Overton and me, it is about so much more than that.  We want you to experience the physical, emotional, and spiritual healing that we know God has for each of us.  It may not be in the way that we first thought it would happen, but God does have our answers.

When I look back at my own story...being so very sick in my forties...and realize the precious people that God put in place to help me get my life back, I am filled with gratitude.  Even last year when I had a bump in the road with my health,  so many of you held me up in prayer and your words and deeds encouraged me.  I thank you!

We live in challenging times.  As we approach another year, let us all be encouraged by the truth that God's ways are not man's ways.  This is good news because there are not many of man's ways that are working.  The Bible tells us to seek first the kingdom of God and everything we need will be taken care of.  This is more than just an admonition, it is cosmic law/principle that will work itself out in our lives if we cooperate with it.  I have found that this is an amazing journey...and as someone this week told me, it gives you such peace.  Even  when we have those trouble spots, the peace that is available is not of this this world we will have trouble, but be of good cheer Jesus has overcome the world.  This is earthly reality balanced with Heaven's reality.  Let us each commit to live from the heavenly perspective of "be of good cheer, He has overcome the world."  God bless!  

Healing The Centurion's Servant

As a Christian Natural Heath Professional, the study of health and healing is important to me.  From the standpoint of a Biblical foundation for healing via natural means, the stories in the Bible give us an opportunity to watch Divinity.  atthew and Luke both tell us the story of Jesus' healing of the Centurion's servant when Jesus was in Capernaum.  

In Luke 7:2, we find these precious words: A Centurion’s servant, who was dear to him, was sick and ready to die. A Centurion – a Roman solider – had a servant (slave) who was dear to him. Most often, the master/slave relationship is one of abuse and harshness. This story is particularly sweet because the players rose above their situation and roles. So much of the story is untold but implied in the words, “servant, who was dear to him…” What created this relationship? 

What else do we know about this Centurion? The elders of the Jews had a high regard for this Centurion for he “loves our nation and has built us a synagogue.” Again, just a few words that only hint at a beautiful story. Here is a Roman soldier who in some way has become connected not only with Israel but with Israel’s worship. And because he sought out the help of Jesus through the elders of the Jews, we can assume that he had heard of Jesus and had a great deal of faith in Him. It seems that he did not know of the great divide between Jesus and the elders of Israel. This is an interesting dynamic that is full of instruction for the elders of Israel…how different the story might have been had they just taken advantage of the opportunity to discover their own Messiah.

The Centurion acknowledges that he understands the process in the chain of authority…as he is also a man under authority. He understood not only having authority but being under authority. That was part of the reason he went through the elders. 

I find it interesting that the elders of the Jews appealed to Jesus on behalf of this “worthy” man. They measured his worthiness based on his relationship with the people and the fact that he had built them a synagogue. Jesus went with the elders – intending to go to the centurion’s home. The centurion, however, sent friends to Jesus saying to Him, “Lord do not trouble yourself, for I am not worthy that You should enter under my roof. Therefore, I did not even think myself worthy to come to You. But say the word, and my servant will be healed.” Wow!

This part of the story is an amazing revealing of the character of the Centurion. The Jewish elders counted him worthy of help because of his “doing”. He, however, did not measure himself in this manner. The beautiful truth here is that his “doing” had come from a place of integrity. He had not turned his “doing” into a business transaction that bought him anything…this is legalism. Something in his spirit responded to the nation of Israel and Israel’s God. Loving the people and building a synagogue was a correct response to the truths that came to him. He did not use his power position as a Centurion to demand the presence of Jesus. He respectfully made his request through the appropriate chain of authority.

For the Centurion, authority was not something to resist or resent. It was something through which you worked to accomplish good. Just as he used his power for good -- building a synagogue and developing positive relationships – so he used authority and respected its process.

“For I ALSO am a man placed under authority…” (Vs. 8). To me, the word “also’ suggests that he understood that Jesus was under authority to the Jewish elders and possibly even the God of Israel. And the “also” suggests a type of equality with Jesus. It’s a respect of positions with responsibility. This man understood speaking a word and having that word obeyed. He did not doubt the power of Jesus because Jesus was under authority and even sickness and death obeyed this authority. He acknowledged this and much more when he entreated the Jewish elders on behalf of his servant. I think he also understood how damaging it can be to any cause when you have someone trying to work around or outside of authority. It would have jeopardized the work of Jesus by creating conflict with the Jewish elders. 

When Jesus heard these things, He marveled at him and said…”I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel.” (Vs. 9).

Faith – this is what Jesus sees in the Centurion. And it’s not faith in the healing. It’s faith in the position and authority of Jesus – a man also under authority. Faith, then, is the recognition of God as a benevolent Ruler who is willing to supply all our needs – even healing. Faith is submitting to the authority that is over us and never doubting that the word spoken is already fulfilled. Faith is seeing Jesus as a man ALSO under authority…the authority of divine love. 

Faith is not what I work up. It’s a response to something absolutely correct…the position and power of Jesus Christ. Faith is not about my worthiness or lack of worthiness. God is worthy. That settles it. Even though the Jewish elders counted the centurion as worthy, he did not measure himself as such. Yet he was willing to trust in the power and position of someone else also under authority.

This story amazes me, and I think it is an incredible visual aid for the truth that faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not yet seen. (Heb. 11:1). Are we trying to buy with our “doing” what God is ready, willing, and able to give? Can I, like the Centurion, rest confidently in the power and position of Jesus Christ…a man also under authority? Wow…this story amazes me.

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Stages...are you ready for peace?

Someone asked me recently how I felt about teaching a class that I was planning to teach.  I thought it was a wonderful question, and as I did not have a ready answer, I knew that maybe I should think about a bit.  And that is what I have done for several days.  I have decided that the way I feel is peaceful.  How great is that?  I have decided that the entire experience of learning and teaching is really a metaphor of how we live life.  

I have spent my life teaching in one way or another.  It is just in me.  You know, they say you teach what you need to know.  I have needed to know a great deal on my journey.  I had to refine what I thought I knew from childhood up.  Just about the time you think you have something figured out, life happens.  In the past, this frustrated me.   Now, I think that it is very interesting.  Rather than seeing things right or wrong (the A+ and the F), I see that for this level of my experience, it is what it is!!  

It is kind of like the parable of the sower.  He sowed seed everywhere.  We would say He was indiscriminate in His sowing.  We would have been so much more careful with the seed.  I see Him having a good time with the seed.  He is saying, “Oh there might be someplace that the seed will grow in the rocks and shallow places.”  I see Him sowing with abandon, fun, faith, and hope.  

At this stage of teaching, I understand this type of abandon.  I used to be so concerned with the stuff that man is concerned with in teaching…the presentation of MY information.   Now, not so much.  I am delighted to be sowing with abandon HIs seed, His truth, His thoughts, His love.  

The different stages of life make a difference in our teaching.  I see those stages as:
  • Here is the information…questions make us uncomfortable.
  • Questions are welcome and answers are subject to skepticism.
  • Q&A is too rigid.  Observations are friendlier.  There is room for all the participate no matter what level of understanding…the seed will not take in all ground unless it is their time.
The peace that comes from knowing that you are not in charge of the “taking root and growing” is wonderful.  I think that perhaps one of the things this parable was doing was to manage the expectations on the disciples.  If we took this lesson to heart, we could have so much peace.  We would also have an easier time at each stage of life wherein we find others.   Relating at the third stage to a first stage person is a challenge if either person is overly invested in opinion or outcome.  

I recently was talking to a growing saint and she said that she no longer felt compelled to have an answer or to express answers.  She is learning to be content while others search for their own answers.  This is great.  It brings to mind the scripture that says to be ready always to give an answer TO THOSE WHO ASK about the hope that is within you.  This is where we get into trouble.  I have discovered that when a person is sharing their opinion, they are not usually open to hearing yours.  WAIT.  I think that they are refining their beliefs.  They are not in Q&A mode yet.  Maybe something they share will help you refine your beliefs.  That is probably the most you can hope for at this point. I find all of this to be a relief.  I wish someone had shared this stuff with me when I was younger.  I wonder if you can understand when younger?  At least we could take it as a heads up.

I see this as a “peace on earth, good will to men” experience.  We are earth…made of earth.  Another metaphor.  When you have peace in your heart, you are no longer invested in battling with other men.  You are no longer trying to prove your way, have you way, invested in outcome, or have any secondary motives with others.  THEN your peace in your part of the earth will have true good will towards men.   

Saturday, November 1, 2014

Hear the Messages, Learn the Lessons

Jesus walked among the people.  He healed the physically sick.  He knew that in that sickness is another condition that is often unspoken but very much felt.  We so often are concerned about the physical.  He is full of grace also for the condition that is often unspoken.  Sometimes, we do not have words that explain the condition of spiritual starvation.  Does God care about even me?  Why is this happening to me?  What do I do with this?  Will I ever be well again?
Jesus was addressing this when He asked the man at the pool of Bethesda, “Do you want to be whole?”  The man responded in his hopeless dilemma of not having any help.  He had no physical help.  He had no help that was of this world.  Do you sometime feel that way?  In all our “answers” that are available, there does not seem to be one that works.
We are so often looking for the physical answer.  We need to be as vigilant in finding the emotional and spiritual answers.  What is our condition trying to tell us?  What have I been holding on to?  What is the invitation in this situation?  
I make no judgment because more and more I understand that we have not been taught to ask these questions from a spiritual dimension.  We are having to learn how to do this part of the journey, too.  I see people who really do not want to be well because of what it will cost them…not financially, but in terms of relationships…themselves and others.  It is not always good news to them to know that they need to make some decisions.  It is easier to be sick and keep seeking a cure.  
Sometimes this sickness is teaching you something…sometimes it is taking you somewhere…sometimes it is helping you release something, sometimes it is cultivating grace of some sort.  For these reasons we can praise God for this instructor.  Be open to hearing and learning the message of these situations.  Be open to hearing the hunger in your own experience.  God knows and He cares.  
The more that I work with people the more understanding I have of the “gray” areas of life.  Everything is not black and white.  Everything is not either/or.  Everything is not good or bad.  What will healing cost me?  What have I been selling myself for in this sickness?  Who or what am I financing with the sickness.  What do I want to escape?  What am I just too tired to keep at?  From what am I being rescued or excused? What truths have I been hearing that I am refusing to honor?  What needless guilt am I carrying?  What unresolved anger?  Am I needing down time to be with God, and this is the way I am getting it?

Jesus healed the man at the pool of Bethesda even though he could not see any help.  In spite of this, the man remained in the hope of healing.  Sometimes verbalizing that there is no hope in the material world is the day break awareness that moves us to the spiritual and emotional answers where there is healing.  Praise God that He knows exactly where we are and in His time, the answer comes…and it may mean physical healing, too.  Sometimes, we are healed quickly.  Sometimes, we are healed as we go into greater awareness.  Sometimes we are healed as we go and sin (dysfunctional behavior) no more.  Be compassionate to others and to self.  Bethesda is just where you are right now…not forever.  Praise God!