This is such incredibly good news!
Have you ever thought you were not smart enough to discern
between truth and error; good and evil.
The fear that we might not get it right compels us to listen to other
voices instead of going to the word and listening for the instruction of the
Holy Spirit.
When at Mt.
Sinai, the Children of
Israel made a decision to put Moses between them and God because they were
afraid of Him. It seems that is our
tendency. Fear of not knowing enough,
fear of authority, fear of assuming responsibility, etc. encourages us to put
that person, teacher, preacher, group, etc. in between God and us.
This scripture frees us from the self-limiting lie that the
truth is beyond our comprehension. Those
authorities who have all the answers often have come out from situations of
being under abusive spiritual authority.
They have moved into positions of being a spiritually abusive authority
with their own answers. Anytime you
find a situation that is creating the us/them paradigm…run.
This doesn’t mean that we are
above instruction. It does mean that all
of man’s instruction needs to line up with God’s instruction in the Bible...when
He (Holy Spirit) is come, He will guide you into all truth. It is very obvious that people take Scripture
and distort it and create all type of creeds and theologies that are not
It seems that God’s word has to
be read and understood from a place of love and communion. If I trust Him with everyone and everything,
I will not be trying to “sit on His throne.”
The Church
of Ephesus got
sidetracked with the doctrine of the Nicolations. It is easy for all of us to get sidetracked
trying to prove this or that. All that
energy causes us to lose our first love…relationship/communion with God. I would rather be known for what I am for
(Jesus Christ and His love) than for what I am against. We strengthen what we fight against…this
world is a great example of this truth.
If we spent as much time, energy, and money into what we are for, it
would be a different world.
God wants to communicate with
us. It is promised that His Spirit leads
us into all truth. Praise God. There is no reason to feel inadequate. Humility is the very best place from which to
come to the Word in seeking truth. We
often measure “right” with what the Christian crowd does. The righteous stand, however, is different. We are warned against false prophets and
antichrists. These are in the
church. Stay in the Word, dear friends. Our text today gives me much courage to
believe in the truth that what God has started in me, He will continue!
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