Saturday, February 15, 2014

Continuing In His Path...the Sanctuary

Micah 4:8 states, "And thou, O tower of the flock, the strong hold of the daughter of Zion, unto thee shall it come, even the first dominion; the kingdom shall come to the daughter of Jerusalem."

Here the Old Testament states that the Messiah would be born at the "tower of the flock" (Hebrew: Migdal Edar).  This watch tower from ancient times was used by the shepherds for protection from their enemies and wild beasts. It was also the place where ewes were safely brought to give birth to the lambs. In this sheltered building/cave the priests would bring in the ewes which were about to give birth for protection. These special lambs came from a unique flock that was designated for sacrifice at the temple in Jerusalem   

Some scholars believe that based on the Micah text, that this is where Jesus was actually born.  The Bible says he was laid in a manger...feeding trough for animals.  Whatever a person wants to believe about the birth of Jesus, it is Heaven coming down to us.  It is the sacrifice being born.  It is the first step of the sanctuary service. 

The second step is observed at the baptism of Jesus.  This was the laver experience.

 In the wilderness temptation, there were three temptations.  The first one, you remember, regarding bread.  This was the table of shewbread.  The second temptation involved distortion of scripture (the light) and having to have the ability to discern between lie and truth.  This was the menorah.  The third temptation was a counterfeit intercession, the altar of incense.  Satan was saying the to Christ that he knew that His goal was to redeem the earth and its people.  If He would bow down to him, he would just give it to Him. 

The ark of the covenant is Jesus as the shekinah glory...if you see me, you see the Father.  Here is the throne of God.  You have the law in the ark and the mercy seat covering that.  Ponder that for a while.  Jesus brought a new understanding to the law when He taught things like: You have been told it is wrong to murder.  Now, I tell you that if you hate, it is the same as murder. 

The ark of the covenant experience is about an "inner parts" experience.  In Psalm 51:6-13, there is a beautiful description of what is happening in this inner experience.  David, the man after God's own heart, is praying.  He sinned terribly with Bathsheba, and then he murdered Uriah her husband.  David is confessing in this Psalm.  Notice that he asks to be cleansed with hyssop.  Hyssop is an essential oil that has cleansing chemical properties.  It can actually remove the memory of sin...emotionally, spiritually, and physically.  It is a deep cleaning for which he is asking.
Psalm 51:6-13:  6 Surely you desire truth in the inner parts; you teach me wisdom in the inmost place.7 Cleanse me with hyssop, and I will be clean; wash me, and I will be whiter than snow.8 Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice. 9 Hide your face from my sins and blot out all my iniquity. 10 Create in me a pure heart, O God, and renew a steadfast spirit within me.11 Do not cast me from your presence or take your Holy Spirit from me. 12 Restore to me the joy of your salvation and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.13 Then I will teach transgressors your ways, and sinners will turn back to you. 

This is a wonderful example of most holy place cleansing where you are before God and His throne, and He is writing the law on your heart and mind.  He is taking your heart of stone and replacing it with the heart of flesh.   

This is the dying daily that Paul speaks of.  Other words used for this process are sanctification or abiding.  It is something that we all have to learn to do.  Seek His face.  Hear His voice.  Desire to know Him and feel His presence.  What a beautiful opportunity the Father has given us.  Thank you, Lord.

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