“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light:” 1 Peter 2:9.
This verse has something exquisite to share with us. It starts with WHO we are in Christ Jesus. It is in knowing this and embracing this identity that God gives us, that the rest of the verse has potential.
Over the last several years, I have been impressed with this thought: Unless we know who we are in God, we do not get the whole, amazing story. Add to that this thought: Unless we believe the truth about who God is, who we are in Christ will make little difference. What you believe about God will effect either positively or negatively what we believe about ourselves.
I am not the only Christian who was raised with a false god…a God of hellfire and damnation, angry with me, distant because I had been bad. All of this is a lie. First of all, I never did anything bad that God should hold me so accountable for things over which I had no control. From the first of our religious instruction as children, many are taught that “Jesus doesn’t love bad boys or girls.” How horrific that God’s image is so distorted to a precious mind of a child. How terrible to do this to a child’s image of self.
For a long time, I have been giving God permission to reveal the truth about Himself and me in relationship to Him. It has been a sweet journey of freedom. I love the Lord. Given that, I have struggled with much of what I was taught as a child and adult about God and me. How sweet that God encourages my questioning of all this. He wants me to get to the truth because then I am free and so is He. We are in this together. If I am held captive by lies about my image in Him, He is held captive, too.
When I get it that I am chosen, royal, holy, and special (significant, safe, supported, secure), I have something to praise Him about…being called out of the darkness of the lie into the glorious light of truth.
Many Christians are not comfortable with this identity because it is not what they have been taught. Our first reaction is to put up a defense the same as defending our state of being selfish sinners. Someone recently questioned me about the idea of self-improvement work…isn’t that being selfish focusing on self? Yet, Jesus invites us to love ourselves as we love others. And the truth is that unless we love ourselves and realize our correct identity in God, we cannot extend to others that vision of grace.
The more I see of Divinity, the more I see His plan for me. His words that I have the fullness of the Godhead and the mind of Christ are a part of His original intent for us. If you study the story of Israel being removed from Egypt in the deliverance, you will see that the first thing God did was to establish an identity for them…in tribes and within the context of tribes, a chosen people. He gave them all that they needed to know their significance and to feel secure. He surrounded them with all that a learning, growing child needs in order to become physically and emotionally healthy people. This is a beautiful story and gives us much wisdom in training up a child. We need to remember that Israel was not much more than animals when delivered from Egypt…four hundred years of slavery can do that. These are great lessons for us as we continue to be in slavery in our own personal Egypt.
“But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, an holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should show forth the praises of Him who hath called you out of darkness into His marvelous light:” 1 Peter 2:9.
Praise is a love response. That is so much different than another tick on a To Do list. It is something that comes from within because you know you are chosen, royal, holy, and special. It changes every thing. Thank you, Father God.
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