Monday, September 15, 2014

What Do You Do With the Lies

I find an interesting dynamic happening in all churches right now.  People are having to come to terms with the lies.  People are coming to terms with the things they have been taught and are being taught that are not true.  People are stepping up and standing up for what they believe the Bible does say instead of man’s false interpretation of the word of God.  Many people are seeing through the distortion of God’s character as has been and is being presented.  

This is not specific to one particular church.  If you are into details, read some of the Barna Group statistics.  They have studied these trends twenty or so years.  Being aware of this information has helped me help others who are going through their own time of stepping out of the lies.

Here is a statistic that is amazing taken from some Barna research.  Reading the scriptures dropped from 64% in 1991 to 48% in 2001.  It has since climbed back to 57%.  I wonder if this increase in Bible reading could actually be the reason that people are now becoming more aware of the lies they are being told. John 16:13:  “When He the Spirit of Truth is come, He will lead you into all Truth.”

There is so much we can gain by our own Bible study.  Take a concordance and dive in.  Recently, we have been very blessed by looking up ancient Hebrew pictographs that give us a clearer understanding of what these words mean.  What this means is that you have to be willing to study for yourself.  Often we feel like we are not smart enough.  That is a lie.  Read the above promise again!  I encourage you to be in the Word.  

I have been encouraged as I have talked to people of different faiths going through their “time of trouble.”  They have come out on the other side feeling a great deal of freedom because they know they are being faithful to God and truth.  I believe that God has His hand on His people and His truth.  Those who want to worship in Spirit and Truth will be directed on their journey.  Do not expect that every one will be excited about your truth encounters.  They will not.  In fact, they will be threatened.  They will call you backsliders and other names.  They had such things to say about Christ so you are in good company.  Again, you will know the truth and be made free.  It isn’t easy or comfortable.  Praise God that He is training people to stand for the truth though the heaven’s fall. 

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