The taskmaster...the wicked witch is dead! But then what happens?
I have been experiencing some really peaceful days. With no guilt pushing me, no need to prove
myself about anything, I sit on the couch and wonder what to do. I keep listening for that voice that tells me
I have not done enough and I should be doing...
I know that sounds completely crazy, but I tell you it is true!
This morning I told Overton that I wonder if when all the
other voices of should and shouldn't are gone and there is nothing to validate,
and nothing to be proven, is it possible that what is left is an entering the
day in communion with "what is."
Whether it is your flowers, your home, your work, the devotional,
people, places or it possible to have the peace of joyful communion with all things? I am hoping that it is. I am wondering if this is some of what Jesus
meant when He said, "In this world we will have trouble, but be of good
cheer I have overcome the world." I
think that this "be of good cheer" must be the peaceful communion
with "what is."
It has been a bit of a challenge for me in this place of
peace. I see that life's tasks now need
the perfect motivator of love rather than guilt, fear, shame. What does that look like and feel like. Cannot say because I am just learning. Have to get back with you on that
question. In the mean time, I am
enjoying relaxing. I am sixty-four, and
I think that this experience is a first for me.
I imagine, however, that I will come face to face with something that is
a fine art of disciplined activity motivated by love rather than all the dysfunction
of the past. Right now, I am thinking
that this peaceful place is a long overdue vacation.
This morning, I held communion with an orchid which is on
the coffee table. It spoke to me about
vulnerability and trust. Maybe those are
two words that also express this place where I am presently. Its blooms (7) are such a lovely deep
purple. I took the plant to the sink to
give it some water and gently spray its elegant leaves. I recognized the vulnerability of its
situation...dependant upon me for its needs being met. Is that the same place that we come to when
we are no longer dependent on our needs being met through our
dysfunctions? The Heavenly Father gives
us what we need...faithfully. We have a
new lens that allows us to see this truth.
When we are delivered of all self-righteousness, we are open to this
vulnerability. Praise God!
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