Ephesians Study
Chapter 5:19 and 20
When you think of submission or being subject to one another think of it in terms of the mutual submission that is modeled by the Godhead. Each one has a role to fill and each one is mutually submissive and respectful of the roles of the others. This is an example for the body of Christ…the ecclesia (the collective body or congregation). It is an example, too, for husband and wives.
This submission would be easier if we tried to live in the energy of Ephesians 5:19, 20: “addressing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody to the Lord with your heart, giving thanks always and for everything to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ,”
One day, the Lord said to me: Linda, if you can get over yourself, no one else will bother you. This was years ago, and the older I get, the more I see the truth of this. I recently heard a pastor say it this way: I cannot love you, if I do not love myself. I cannot love myself if I do not know my value (identity) to the Lord. If I love myself, you cannot “eat my lunch” emotionally because my self-esteem is not dependent on you or any other external. The cross is about my value; not my sin. It was not a second thought. God did not get in a bind of some sort. God so loved that He gave.
Paul has spent so much of Ephesians trying to help us see our value to God. If you think about it, our value is equal to the blood of the Lamb. Why? Because we were created in His image. What would be the worth of your children?
I used to not like the idea of submission because of childhood experiences and the modeling of bully-type adults. I am so glad that Ephesians 5:19 and 20 precedes the submission verses. You see, praise and thanksgiving to God the Father and our Lord Jesus Christ is really the core of submission and subjecting ourselves. We tend to think it is about us. It’s not! Submission is our relationship witness for God and the Son. Everything in the Christian’s life is about that relationship…and the relationship with our fellow men. The scripture tells us how to be with those in the church and those outside the church. Both need the witness of love…they will know we are christians by our love.
Jesus modeled this in His relationships with all. Those in the church may need the truth spoken in love. Those outside the church really need a witness.
I would like to suggest that living in subjection to one another and the the Word is practice for Kingdom living. It is practice for living with God and Christ. Subjection or submission means to choose a higher way over our selves or our emotions. This is the struggle of flesh and spirit. We are cautioned not to live by flesh (fleshly lusts/wants/preferences/desires). The reason we have this caution is because we cannot serve two masters. As much as we would and can dress up our emotions and feelings, they are self-driven (ego - edging God out).
The peace that we were created to have in God is an internal call from Spirit. That peace is in conflict with emotions. Submission to one another is a type of crucifying self. Everything that we would defend is a place of submission. Unless we let our emotions suffer, we will not regain peace and joy.
Humanity and Divinity were united in Christ. His mission from the foundation of the world was reconciliation…God to man and man to God. It takes a Spirit-controlled will (freedom of choice) that is constantly laying down self to embrace this exquisite calling and work of God. It all starts with submission / subjection.
A submissive will pleases God. It gives Him permission to hold sway over the entire man. What a delightful way to end Chapter 5 of Ephesians…submission; it makes it possible to live out God’s goal of peace on earth, good will to men.